Очень хорошая форма - это аудиолитература. Аудиозапись можно слушать в машине в ходе передвижения на работу, обратно, или по каким-то другим местам профессиональной деятельности...
В.В. Путин

MP3 — CD — DVD

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Rendell, Ruth

The Monster in the Box

He had never told anyone. The strange relationship, if it could be called that, had gone on for years, decades, and he had never breathed a word about it. He had kept silent because he knew no one would believe him. None of it could be proved, not the stalking, not the stares or the conspiratorial smiles, not the killings, not any of the signs Targo had made because he knew Wexford knew and could do nothing about it.' Wexford had almost made up his mind that he would never again set eyes on Eric Targo's short, muscular figure. And yet there he was, back in Kingsmarkham, still with that cocky, strutting walk. Years earlier, when Wexford was a young police officer, a woman called Elsie Carroll had been found strangled in her bedroom. Although many still had their suspicions that her husband was guilty, no one was convicted. Another woman was strangled shortly afterwards, and every personal and professional instinct told Wexford that the killer was still at large. And it was Eric...

[ Бестселлеры ]


Издательское содружество А. Богатых и Э.Ракитской (Э.РА)
14 февраля в библиотеке им Лермонтова в Москве (ул. Барболина дом 6, метро Сокольники) - в 14 часов - открытие совместного литературного салона "Илья-премии" и издательства Э.РА. За справками по поводу участия в вечере в качестве выступающих или гостей обращаться по адресу era-izdat@mail.ruНовая книга Ефима Гаммера "Осужденный на жизнь", номинирована международным издательством Э.РА на премию "Большая книга".

Золотая Строфа
Открытый международный поэтический конкурс "Золотая строфа" приглашает к участию всех, кто пишет стихи на русском языке!
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