Очень хорошая форма - это аудиолитература. Аудиозапись можно слушать в машине в ходе передвижения на работу, обратно, или по каким-то другим местам профессиональной деятельности...
В.В. Путин

MP3 — CD — DVD

Аудиокниги аудио-книги аудиосказки караоке / аудиокурсы иностранных языков / книги MP3 книги на DVD / книги в плеере / книги в плеере

Rendell, Ruth

Piranha To Scurfy And Other Stories

The long title story is about a man whose life, in a sense, is a book. There are shelves in every room, packed with titles which Ambrose Ribbon has checked pedantically for mistakes of grammar and fact. Life for Ribbon, without his mother now, is lonely and obsessive. He still keeps her dressing table exactly as she had left it, the wardrobe door always so that her clothes can be seen inside, and her pink silk nightdress on the bed. There is one book too that he associates particularly with her - volume VIII of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Piranha to Scurfy. It marked a very significant moment in their relationship. In the other stories, Ruth Rendell deals with a variety of themes, some macabre, some vengeful, some mysterious, all precisely observed. The second novella, High Mysterious Union, explores a strange, erotic universe in a...

[ Бестселлеры ]


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